Large CNC milling machine DC1317: market leader in plastic mold manufacturing
Ningbo Kaibo CNC Machinery Co., Ltd.
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Explore the market positioning of DC1317 large CNC milling machine in the field of plastic mold manufacturing, as well as customers' core needs and pain points, and provide efficient solutions for the manufacturing industry.产品double-column-large-cnc-milling-machine-gv1625-1.png

market positioning

In the current highly competitive manufacturing industry, the large CNC milling machine DC1317 has successfully positioned itself in the field of plastic mold manufacturing with its excellent performance and stable processing quality. It not only adapts to various complex mold processing needs, but also shows obvious advantages in improving production efficiency and reducing manufacturing costs.

Customer core needs and pain points

Customers usually face the following core needs and pain points during the plastic mold manufacturing process:

  • High-precision machining: Customers want higher dimensional accuracy and repeatability of molds during production to improve the quality of the final product.
  • Production efficiency: Traditional processing methods often lead to long production cycles and affect market response speed. DC1317 can significantly improve processing efficiency and shorten delivery time.
  • Flexibility and compatibility: As market demands change, customers require machines with flexible configuration and multi-functional processing capabilities. This is a major advantage of DC1317.


In response to the above needs, DC1317 is embedded with a number of innovative technologies, such as high-rigidity structural design and efficient servo system, to ensure that it can still provide stable performance and excellent product quality under complex processing conditions. In addition, the complete after-sales service and technical support system will further help customers improve the overall efficiency of the production line.


The large CNC milling machine DC1317 is not only a market pioneer in plastic mold manufacturing, but also an indispensable partner for every manufacturing company that pursues efficiency and precision. Meeting the growing needs of customers with its excellent performance will help enterprises remain invincible in the fierce market competition.

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